Ok your questions: (Are you taking pictures
and can you figure out how to send them?) I have no clue how to do pictures. I’ve tried 3 times and we all think that the
computers here are just locked down too tight and so my first email from the
field will be really huge and filled with pictures. There were no new Americans
who came in this week so we still have the new sister but she is doing fine and
she will be way ahead of anyone else her actual week.
So it started to rain this week, a lot. On
Tuesday it rained during our actividade física where we have a small outside
track, fastest 3 laps I’ve ran since I’ve been here. And that also means that
it is getting cooler. Apparently the super hot temps when we first got here
were the highest it’s been in 60 years.
Now it’s starting to cool back down and I actually slept under a sheet
for the first time since being here. So this past Wednesday Elder Si. and
I got brand new Brasileiro room mates they seem pretty cool, one has that
accent where you pronounce all the s´s as sh´s its pretty crazy.
I’m glad yall got the recording of the our
song “Abide With Me; Tis Eventide”- that was pretty awesome to sing. We had
been practicing for 3 weeks and I tried to help everyone with technique and how
we were going to arrange all the verses and such, it was good. The day before
we were going to sing they told us, “oh yea, the member of the Seventy over all
the missionary work in the entire world is going to be there, Elder Evans. So we
were like ... well I guess we should practice more, haha, but it was really
awesome. Elder Evans’ talk was interesting though, it was all about families
and the need to have children and families, families, families… which is all
great but they were like, “oh yea, don’t think about this for 2 years- but
remember! haha.
So we have 12 days or something like that
left here in the CTM- crazy! Irmão Brito said that it’s time now to essentially
sprint to the finish. He’s really
encouraging us to fulfill our language goals and stretch even further (ex: 5
words a day 2 phrases memorizing different grammar points and memorizing
scriptures) which doesn’t sound like a lot. I’m sure we learn much more than that, but
just on the spot it is crazy hard. So now we’ve started analyzing the grammar
in the scriptures, never has it taken so long to read through 1 Nefi 1:1! We’ve also upped our number of investigators
we teach from 2 to 4 so we all have a set other companionship that we teach during
our additional study. That also means we
don’t have as much time to prepare for any of our lessons, but it’s all good. Spiritual experience: We were doing
practice teaching about the importance of the Book of Mormon and I was teaching
Sis D. and she had this scenario where she had no time to read and her life
was really crazy. I felt led by the
spirit to promise her that she could turn to any page in the Book of Mormon and
read any verse and it would strengthen her testimony of Christ, so she was like,
“right now?” and I was like, “yea right now”.
So she randomly flipped to 3 Nefi 28:33 and it was in Portuguese so we
didn’t know exactly what it said, but it spoke of Christ. She was awe struck and started crying and it
was so powerful and the spirit was so strong and so I teared up a bit too. Then I bore my testimony of the Book of
Mormon and its testimony of Christ and it was just amazing… then we looked it
up in English. haha It was a great experience.
“And if ye had all the scriptures which give an account of all the marvelous
works of Christ, ye would, according to the words of Christ, know that these
things must surely come.” 3Nephi 28:33
I’ve gotta go now I love yall so much! Hope you feel better
Elder Pierce