The heaviest rain that I've had on my mission (wringing out my tie)
The weather this month has been very consistent. It's hot and humid for the beginning of the day and has sun until lunch. After lunch comes in the wind and storm clouds. Then it rains on and off until about 6:00 and cools off for the day. But last Friday was different, as we were teaching a lesson after lunch the wind started blowing much stronger than normal and from nowhere came in clouds that were much darker and much larger than before. But we didn't mind it much thinking it would just rain for 5 minutes or so while we were at another house teaching a lesson or something. We finished that one lesson and went to some of our other plans. One plan fell through... then the other... then after the third person we tried to wasn't at home we got a bit nervous because of the crazy wind and clouds and stuff. So we decided to grab our umbrellas and plastic bags to cover our scriptures and stuff back at our apartment before trying anything else. (which of course we didn't have all that stuff because it was sunny when we went out for lunch!) As we started to go up this huge hill before the street of our building, the rain began to fall. Within 2 minutes the rain went from sprinkles to hurricane mode! With nothing more to do Elder Alvarenga and I just started to run up the hill to try an find shelter. The rain was so hard it hurt! and I could hardly open my eyes for fear that my contacts would be flooded out but the snatches that I did see where the huge sheets of rain coming down and trees looking like they were going to fall and it was just craziness! When we finally got to the top of the hill where we took shelter by some stores we were totally soaked from head to toe, scriptures and all. And when we got back to the apartment I realized that "someone" (with only the two of us I can't put the blame on anyone else...) had left the window open in the kitchen and everything was soaking wet... great (thankfully the window in our room was closed:p). So yea that was fun.
There is a member of the high council moving into our branch from Santa Maria, Irmão Jilmor. (Brother ... I don't know how to spell out the sound just pronounce how it looks) He spends the weekends here looking for a house and such so last Sunday he planned with us to do some visits. So this past Saturday we loaded up our schedule with the best of what we got and went for it. First off it looked like it was going to rain again but Irmão Jilmor promised that it wouldn't rain until we had finished our visits, off to a good start. Each one of the three visits that we made with him were divinely inspired. Irmão did everything from testify to a man that he could be a strong holder of the priesthood to figuring out that the real reason one of our investigators isn't coming to church is because she doesn't understand repentance fully. And he has a huge family, all in all about 100 cousins, uncles, aunts and others that live here in São Pedro. So while we were walking down the street he would stop and talk with people "oh cousin Jimmy I didn't know you lived here! how great!..." He has plans to bring all of his family to investigate the church :) yes!
So those were the highlights of the week, Love you all and have a great week!
Elder Pierce Some São Pedro Scenery
Our last Zone Meeting