I made those scripture covers/ box things for Elder Alencar
Well family this week was full of impactful events that I will share with y'all.
Monday wonderful magical Mom activated my card! So that ended a bit of the drought and I'm gonna try this week to finish up some of my gaúcho get up because the clothes and stuff here in Livramento are cheaper than anywhere else.
Tuesday was our District meeting where we played my board game. We reviewed chapter 9 of PMG and then when they stopped on a space they drew a sorted practice situation about one of the principles in chapter 9 all about finding new people to teach. I think it worked out great because it turned practices which are usually really lame into being fun! Everyone said that they wished there was more time to play :)
Making the game for our District Training Meeting
(like the First Presidency game pieces/ haha)
Playing the game! :)
Wednesday we had the opportunity to be the answer to a family's prayer. The family had been unable to buy food for a long time and without a word after we left the house Elder Alencar and I both knew what we had to do. We went straight to the store and returned to drop off what we could; basics like beans, rice, and eggs. And it worked out that they had left their door open and were in another room so we were able to slip in and leave the groceries on their table without a peep and then we were off.
Thursday I had the opportunity to do some baptismal interviews. It was an amazing spiritual experience to be able to explain to one of them about the importance of the commandments, the miracle that is repentance, and how the love of God is more powerful than all things. I was truly able to see how the spirit works through us to be able to serve his children and help them back home. God really does answer our prayers, we just need to listen and put our interests out of the way.
Friday morning when Elder Alencar and I were doing our weekly planning I got a call from President Parrela. He called to inform and congratulate me for my new call in the mission as a Zone Leader! I will
Me and my son! |
be transferred to Santo Angelo, everyone who I talk to says that it's a beautiful city and all the missionaries say that the ward there is really good. My companion and fellow zone leader will be Elder Santos Araujo from São Paulo I think. There were some mixed feelings about leaving here especially as Elder Alencar was about tearing up when I got the phone call and he knew I would leave but he'll be alright. His step-dad will be another Elder who actually is already here in our district who only moved to the neighboring area, weird but cool haha (the same elder who is leaning over playing the game in the pictures). I also couldn't help but laugh when I remembered a talk from general conference: "Unfortunately, there was a time in my life when I was motivated by titles and authority. It really began innocently. As I was preparing to serve a full-time mission, my older brother was made a zone leader in his mission. I heard so many positive things said about him that I couldn’t help but want those things said about me. I hoped for and may have even prayed for a similar position..." - Elder Ringwood. But I know that the brothers won't do the same haha ;)
The rest of the week was more of a blur and so I'll leave it at that but I love you all and I hope y'all have a good week!
Elder Pierce