Elder Navas my new companion!
Hey Family! Sorry that this email is a bit short. This being the first week of the transfer we had to do a bunch of relatórios (reports?) and update everything for the zone. And seeing as our zone is the largest in the mission that took a bit haha.
The new comp Elder Navas! |
I'm having a great time with my new companion Elder Navas! A bit about him, he is from São Paulo, São Paulo and is 26 years old. He already graduated from college with a degree in fiances and President Parrela had him as the missions financial secretary for about a year haha. Elder Navas has 1 year and 10 months-ish on the mission and so he is heading home pretty soon, he is trying to not let his mind go crazy with all the stuff that involves going back home, his work, fiance, family etc. It's my job to help him not die haha (its called dying when you loose focus at the end of the mission) 1 year and 10 months sounds like a lot until I remember that this past week I also completed 1 year and 7 months... wow. Elder Navas and I conversate super naturally and it's fun to hear his stories haha so we laugh a lot and it's great to teach with him too, só poder e autoridade! (only power and authority!)
Mission Council |
I can already tell that this transfer will be really busy. After getting back from the mission council late Tuesday
night we planned out all of the trips that we will have to make for the zone meetings and exchanges, not even to mention the
baptismal interviews that will come later. This week we have Zone meeting with one half of the zone. We are going to take a bus to Santiago 3:00pm today (about now) and we arrive there 8:55pm (the bus stops a lot in other cities
) and we'll sleep there tonight. The elders from São
will come to Santiago the next morning and we'll have the Zone meeting. Then after I will travel back to Santo
with the jr
companion of the LD
in Santiago and Elder Navas
will do the exchange there in Santiago and the next day he with do another exchange in São
. Then finally Thursday morning the jr
form Santiago will return to his area and Elder Navas
comes back home. Yea that's
all a bit confusing
and was a huge
head ache to figure
out and that's
only this week! haha
so I hope that made sense and that's
doing! We planned the Zone Meeting this morning and the theme is "Study the Doctrines Deeply not Deep Doctrines" haha
Love you all!!! and have a great week back at school and all, until next week!
Elder Pierce
A random weird flower that I think should be in the movie Avatar (the blue people) |
Goodbye Elder Santos Araujo
us eating a xis
LOL! Elder Pierce! Those "weird" flowers are Birds of paradise! They're pretty common in warm climates!