Letter from 3/24/14
First off, my address here in Santa Maria is: Caixa
Postal 0339 Centro-Santa Maria-RS 98900-970
I hope that’s all right with
the spaces and all but that is all the right letters. (Question- do you need anything?) Stuff: deodorant,
they don’t have just the normal deodorant here, like they do in the US, its super odd and I would rather just have
good old US
deodorant. Sunscreen, the sunscreen here in Brazil isn’t the same either it is
like way oilier. I still have a good
amount that I came out with but by the time you send it and it gets to me I
just want to make sure I’ve got it. Also silver sharpies, the flag I have eats
through the sharpie fast so a couple more would be great. Also the other elders
tell me that you always mark the value of the package lower than it is or you
get fined a good amount if it’s over 30 dollars with taxes or something.
Alright, so this week we got a bunch
of rain. Like past Sunday night we got totally poured on, thank heavens we had
our umbrellas! Then it was just totally overcast and rained on and off forever
and we didn’t see the sun again until Thursday. So Wednesday we had lunch with
this family and they have a little boy named Vítor who reminded me of a 6 year
old Tanner, haha. It was funny we played
with clay together and I made a little elefante (ele-fan-chee) and he kept
trying to make it cocó (koh-kOH), oh little boy humor haha. So this week with
our pesquisador (pes-key-suh-door) Mateus we were going to pass by his house
and teach a lesson and invite him to be baptized on the 29th this upcoming
Saturday but we got there and it looked like he had visitors and it was really
late and we didn’t know if we should go home or what so I said lets say a
prayer to know what to do. Not 10 seconds after the prayer we get a phone call
from one of the mission secretaries who said (translated and shortened
obviously) `yall have a pesquisador named Mateus who wants to be baptized
right? Yea you guys should talk to him to set a date for baptism as soon as
possible.´ and we were just like no way! So we went up to the house and as it
turns out his house was the one behind the front house. weird thing here in RS
is there are like 2 rows of houses everywhere and you have to walk in the gate
of the first house then a path around or through it to get ot a totally
different house behind weird. Anyway his house was behind and he didn’t have
visitors so we were worried for nothing and more craziness, so he has friends
at the other chapel where they hold institute so he has been going there to
church and he already set up a date for baptism pretty much himself with the
other bishop for the 22nd which was like 2 days away then, and so we were like
AWESOME! Due to logistics though considering our bishop hadn’t met him yet we
changed the date back to the 29th but its all good and he is super excited and
came to church on Sunday and met our Bishop and everything is in place it is pretty
cool. I feel like I’ve done nothing though haha because I feel like he was
ready from the time we met him and he was already prepared but the other elders
say that is way normal and its like that with a lot of investigators, cool.
But the other dupla (doo-pluh)
still had a baptism this Saturday too! so on Friday we went to clean the
baptismal font at the church and the power was out so we had to scoop it out by
buckets and dump the water into toilets and of course I didn’t bring a change
of clothes- fun- I have pictures. Then
our lunch fell through so we went and got pizza which was great and the guy
tossed it in front of us and every thing, and we got ice cream, so it was like
a party for getting out baptisms, haha.
2 months this past week on the
mission crazy! Happy Birthday to all the family back home, Uncle Patrick,
Gitta, Cameron, Julie and Tanner! (sorry if I’m forgetting anyone) I’m going to
skip ahead in pictures and send you this week then when I’ve got time go back
send all the others.
Love you all so much!!! Thank you
for all the emails and love and Ill
try to get back to everyone just give it a week or 2... or 3 haha Love ya!
Elder Pierce
Companions (street -shot- selfie) |
Pizza YUM! |
Cleaning the baptismal font |
bucket by bucket |
Icecream |
My room |
Triple pairs of socks...HOT but worth it! |
View from my room |
laundry |
"Elder Pierce: The Brazilian Dog Whisperer" |
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